Save € 1.000 every year

Save € 1.000 per year with a Solar System

Calculate your savings here:

kW 0.00

Generated kW per hour:


Savings per Hour


8 hour savings





One-Time-Costs for a DIY-Solar System

Call us for more Information:

96 751 537 (Greek, English)

99 074 380 (Deutsch)



Average monthly hours of sunshine in Nicosia

The monthly total of sunhours over the year in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Average monthly sunhours in Nicosia, Cyprus
  • On average, July is the most sunny month with 397 hours of sunshine.
  • January has on average the lowest amount of sunshine with 171 hours.

How we collect the data:

Generated kW per hour is the output of one Solarpanel from us.
  1. One Panel generates 405w maximum.
  2. Two Panels geneate  810w etc.
Savings per hour:

Estimated electricity costs per kWh from your local supplier: 0.30 Euro

8 hour savings:

Average hours of Sunshine in Cyprus is 9.08

We calculate with 8 hours of sunshine every day.

Call us for more Information:

96 751 537 (Greek, English)

99 074 380 (Deutsch)